Welcome To Sunshine Radio Musem
Sunshine Radio is the original founding part of our company. The mission of Sunshine Radio is to preserve the products and knowledge from the early years of the electronics industry starting from the turn of the century up to the 1970's. Electronic products, parts, programs, and memorabilia are documented and preserved with attention to the historical value.Sunshine Radio reaches collectors across America and around the world thanks to trade publications and the SunRad website. There are other businesses and collections in the world that are admittedly more pretentious than Sunshine Radio. However we have an important claim to the fact that we were actually an operating business during those early years giving Sunshine Radio a broader coverage and stronger history than most others hope to attain.
While in Sodus, stop by and visit our museum, or shop in our gift shop. We have available many fine collectible items in our gift shop such as Nipper Dogs, Old Time Radio Programs, replica radios and lots more.
Museum Tours: Tours of our museum are available at present by appointment only. Please call ahead if you are planning on touring the museum when you are in our area. Our phone number is:(315)483-8451.Listen to Our New Radio Programs:We are now broadcasting locally on AM 770. Listen On AM Radio Dial at 770. To listen to our Old Time Radio Programs:1) Listen from your car in front of our building 2)Use portable radio and sit in the small public park across the street, or 3) from your car in the municipal parking across the street. Our shows play 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Stop in for latest schedule of what's playing each week. You can also listen online at:Sunshine Museum Radio
Check out Our Bargainlots (Collector)
To view pictures of our complete inventory by stock number Click Here
To see our current electronics inventory Click Here.